I have been a nurse for over 17 years. I have currently graduated from Mercy College with a Bachelors degree in nursing. I am currently pursuing my masters degree in nursing education. I work in administration in a small facility. I am pro-active in staff education and infection control management. One of my greatest delights is empowering people through education.
The Sim Man
He wheezes, vomits, and has an irregular pulse, pedal pulses and wounds that ooze pus. He talks. He breathes. He has a blood pressure-or not. "He" is a Sim-Man Training Mannequin, an innovative new way to provide realistic clinical simulations for nursing and allied health students. He is often described as the $6 million dollar man bought for the bargain price of a mere $35,000!
Manufactured and sold by Laerdal, Sim-Man is gaining recognition as a valuable new tool to prepare students to identify health abnormalities and to effectively practice dealing with clinical emergencies (including bioterrorism agents) before experiencing them with real, live patients/clients. Because Sim-Man can be programmed to speak, realistic physical as well s as biopsychosocial assessments can be practiced.
Nice job Cassa. It is very important that we start with handwashing before we start any project.
Hi Casa,
Your blog notonly looks good but it is a nice reminder for all of us that hand washing saves lives.
Good job.
HI Cassa
Good job on hand washing Hand washing should be a simple habit in people's life. It is the only way to keep people healthy.Learning benefits of good hand washing, when to wash your hand howto clean them clean properly is life saving inprevention of germs and microorganisms
Cassa, an interesting article on simulation product Sim Man; a new an innovating way for educating nurses, students, and axcillary staff of hospitals and other health care agencies.
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